Eyeliner Tutorial
#Barathon 2018
This post is written for Bar-A-Thon Day 3
Challenge with Blog-A-Rythm
– Theme –“Marathon of my favourite things.”
1)Begin with applying a thin eye liner as shown in the picture.
2) Now gently drag the pen along the lashline and past the top outer corner of your eye.
3)To create a winged effect , start at the outer corner and work back towards the eye. Use short strokes .
4) Follow the Natural shape of your eye and connect the liner to the inner corner of your eye and fill up inside the outline.5) Draw a thinner line as you get closer to the inner lash line.
6) And you’re done !
Remember, practice makes perfect 🙂
So beautiful and wonderfully done. Applying eye liner is an art and I must say that you have mastered the art well.
Whew! That is fine work. I’m so terrible at it, I often have to erase and reapply and only someone who has erased liner knows how hard that is. I end up looking like a racoon!
Keep trying ! Practice makes you perfect 🙂
Gosh I can never manage it and when I do use the liquid liner (not a fan of the pen one) I always end with racoon eyes as it all keeps getting smudged up an all my efforts to clean it only make it worse!
I enjoyed reading your post though I don’t use eyeliners. BTW, those eyes on the post were so beautiful.
Thanks vasantha 🙂