WE all know that we can’t live without family, friends, love, happiness, job…
So I List the materialistic things that I can’t live without

What five things we definitely can’t live without ?
The first one I was thinking about is my smartphone.

Because I think communication is really important.. with my family or friends or business contacts .

Most of us here are working people in the age of 20 to 35, who now depend on our smart phones for most of the things. Doing an online payment instantly through your phone, Online shopping – Knowing today’s weather in advance to know whether to carry an umbrella or not, whether to dry the clothes outside or not. Lot’s and lots of applications which does work for you like – finance management, note taker, auto call recorder. Games which actually waste a lot of your time but they are really good stress busters too.

So, finally my point is in this advanced world we need to save our time and move ahead with these things which help us. You can leave them behind and ‘LIVE’ but you will be spending a lot of your energy on things which can be done easily via smartphones.
Second favourite thing i can’t live without is GOOD FOOD.

Yes, I am passionate about good food and cooking . I know it’s favourite topic of everyone;)

They’re sweet, they’re tart, they’re fiery.
No matter how you slice and dice it, food and love are inextricably tied.
75 percent agreed that preparing food for someone is a significant act of love. WOAH.

Sharing some most inspiring love quotes (that are also about food)

“Cooking is like love: It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.” — Harriet van Horne.
It’s 100% true.

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” ― Virginia Woolf
A good dinner will make anyone smile.

“Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.” —A lan D. Wolfelt
Ain’t that the truth?

“If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him…the people who give you their food give you their heart.” — Cesar Chavez
Food is more intimate than you think.

“Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly.” ― M.F.K. Fisher
Don’t take sharing lightly.

“People who love to eat are always the best people.” — Julia Child
Beware of those people who don’t eat.
The third important thing i can’t live without is a great shampoo/conditioner

Yes,For me, hair is an accoutrement. Hair is jewellery. It’s an accessory.

I love taking care of my hair and pampering them twice a week with some hair mask /oil massage/shampoo/conditioner
There are products that make your hair smoother and shinier and products that make it bigger and bouncier. And then there are the products that do those things and smell absolutely amazing. Garnier Ultra Doux Mythique Olive Shampoo is one among them .It has ingredients to nourish, protect and restore hair

I never liked garnier products but when I tried the ultra doux shampoos I was impressed! These are the best shampoos I have come across! They make hair really soft, smooth, shiny and manageable! Plus they’re affordable! Use them with the conditioner/detangler and uh! Your hair will look salon washed!
The fourth thing that i cannot live without is MUSIC
You may be one of those people who cannot live without having your headphones periodically placed on your ears. You love the fact that there are different sounds that are entering your ear buds. The songs that you hear cannot help but touch your soul. There is some that you listen to that will allow you to remember some parts of your life. Some of these may be happy or sad.

Researchers at Stanford University (press release 2006) have said that “listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same extent as medication.” They noted that music is something that almost anybody can access and makes it an easy stress reduction tool. You can become more charged up or energized depending on the music that you listen to. When you listen to songs while you are working out, you have a tendency to go farther than usual. You may also study better when you listen to the right songs. Listening to songs can help stimulate your brain which can improve your body properly. Music relaxes you , improves your mood .

Music will allow you to connect with other people. Do you sometimes wonder why there are some songs with lyrics that you do not understand but you like it anyway? This is because you can feel the emotions of the song. Music helps you connect with your inner self, your soul. This is not something that you will experience all the time.
Fifth is RAW HONEY

I cannot live without a pot of honey for its multipurpose uses , it’s my basic need . I use it in my food, skincare/haircare routine and love it for its various uses & benefits

It’s is a miracle product and has been used since centuries as a medicinal value product. It is known to have antibacterial and antifungal properties which makes it a favourite product of all. There are ample nutritional benefits that honey provides to the body. It is better to use raw and pure honey to reap more benefits. The following are the benefits :

  • It is useful in weight Management
  • Strengthens Immune system
  • Nourishes your skin and face
  • Boosts your memory
  • Home Remedy for Cough
  • Natural home remedy for Dandruff
  • Used for Healing Wounds
  • Acts as a Natural Sleeping Aid
  • Eases sinus issuesHoney is must in every house and it is useful for people who practice yoga as honey is said to balance the blood chemistry in the body.

NOTE* The article is written as part of the #SuperBloggerChallenge2018 conducted by HealthWealthBridge.com, FashionableFoodz.com and AllAboutTheWoman.com and should not be re purposed, republished or use otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. SuperBloggerChallenge2018 is not responsible for any infringement caused.


  1. zainab says:

    I love the pointers and I agree smartphones are the necessary evil.

  2. Mrinal says:

    Our thoughts match a lot! I too cannot live without my phone, good music, good food and shampoo and conditioner 😁

  3. We have a few things in common. I can’t live without food, my phone and music. I guess I will add reading/books to my list but my family comes in the picture as well. And about the raw honey part, you just reminded me what was really missing from my diet plan. 😁

  4. Ishieta says:

    aah, interesting post! absolutel agree about the smart phone.. dunno if its making me smart, but its definitely smarter than me most days!
    Raw honey..that’s a new one!
    & I disagree with food on your list of material things 😉 I live to eat & not eat to live, so you know where I am coming from on this!

  5. Anukriti says:

    This is quite relatable! I definitely can’t live without food and my phone 🙈 also Coffee 😍 I’ll skip honey because I’m not a very sweet tooth person!

  6. Sinduja says:

    Wow. Honey and shampoo are refreshingly new to the usual lists. Food tops my list!

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